Speakers Lunch – Auctioneer’s Ten Commandments with Richard Kay

15th June 2023 - 11:30 to 14:00

Fine Art auctioneer Richard Kay looks back across 35 years in the auction business and considers what advice he would give his younger self with the benefit of hindsight. With the aid of a table full of artefacts to illustrate his ideas, Richard’s talk considers the importance of such things as signatures and sentiments, collectors, and clutter, even the age of objects.. and the age of the people who own them. And if you’ve ever wondered what floccinaucinihilipilification could possibly mean, Richard will explain why he could not do his job without it.

11:30am – Arrival and Speaker

12:30pm –  Lunch

Two Courses – £28.50, Three Courses – £34.50